Interview Two Hours Traffic
MN: How are the shows going?
THT: Stupendously. The Stereophonic festival in Sackville was intense.
MN: How has working with Joel Plaskett helped your career?
THT: It’s tough to imagine where we’d be right now without Joel. In addition to being our manager and producer, Joel has given us some great shows, set us up with a record distributor (Maple NationWide/Universal), booking agency (Paquin Entertainment), and publicity agency (Killbeat Media). We’re really fortunate to have caught his ear and become his friends.
MN: Tell us what you are doing in preparation for ECMA?
THT: Practice, practice, practice.
MN: You are doing a Sneak Peek showcase for ECMA, which is a private showcase. Are there any other places in town where the public can catch you during ECMA week?
THT: As of right now we’re playing an all-ages show with Joel Plaskett on Friday at the Arts Guild, a rock showcase Saturday night at Myron’s, headlining Close to the Coast on Sunday. There are a couple more shows we are doing that will be announced at a future date. You’re only young once, right?
MN: What do you think about the PEI music scene?
THT: I think the PEI indie music scene is as healthy as its ever been. There’s a great new crop of youthful bands starting to make waves, many of which were featured on the recent Well-Oiled compilation including ourselves, The Danks, The Robots, Smothered in Hugs, and Pat Deighan & the Orb Weavers, among others. We’re proud to be a part of such a vibrant community.
MN:Has the PEI Music Association been useful in terms of what direction you guys are going? If so, how?
THT: Without the Opportunity Enhancement Strategy Program, we wouldn’t have decent rehearsal equipment, nor could we have brought Joel over for the past week for rehearsal, arrangement, and pre-production. We made some huge strides last week that wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the PEIMAA and their partners. Being nominated for the PEI music awards certainly helped us to get our name out there too.
MN: Who is your favorite PEI band?
THT: Smothered in Hugs. Every one of their songs is an indie-rock anthem. Mark my words, they’re going to be huge.
A band with purpose, and music that matters. Be sure to pick up their current release Two Hours Traffic in stores, and check them out online at