The New Website is Up and Running!
We were anticipating this day for some time, and are very proud to have finally updated our website. We think it is a definite change for the positive, and hope that it suits your needs as active members. It is a fresh new look, with highly interactive features, designed to give you some useful tools, and an online presence among our membership. Please take the time to peruse around and enjoy all that it has to offer.
We also want you the members to know that this launch is a preliminary one, with all of the basic nuts and bolts in place, in order to execute its main functions. However, we are adding a second phase in the coming months, and will be dumping content as the weeks go by?so keep coming back.
It would only be appropriate to highlight some of these main features available right now, and get you using them right away.
First off, there is the Members Lounge. We are asking that everyone TAKE THEIR TIME upon going through the application, and update process in regard to your profile. Our database is only as good as the information we put in here, so please be thorough so that we can use all of the information wisely and efficiently. A small example of that is artists profiles. It would be in your best interest to fill in as many fields as you possibly can, as these fields serve as search tools.
Second, we would like to point you to the Gig Calendar. The goal here was to provide a practical calendar solution to gigging musicians on the island. Most of us have busy schedules, work in multiple bands, or whatever, so this feature will hopefully rectify some of your scheduling conflicts. The idea is that when you fill out your membership application, there will be a section that will allow you to input your band members info (including email of course). When it comes time to input your gigs into your calendar, an automatic email goes out to all of your bandmates, informing them that they have a date secured at a particular venue. PRESTO! Venues will also be inputted into this database, and we do want them ALL as members, so that double booking will also provide a warning. We encourage all of you to use the heck out of this.
Third, there is a ?Featured Member? on the front page, that is designed to put you in the spotlight. As the membership form is completed, there will be required fields that will allow you to qualify as a featured member. ( ie: photos must be in your profile). Upon approval, your profile will go into a random database with all of our members and will be seen on the front page of the PEIMAA website. We had come up with several ideas as to which profiles should be featured and when, but thought that a random profile every time the page is refreshed would be the fairest approach. That way every time the page is loaded, there is a different featured member.
As aforementioned, these are just a few highlights. Over time, we are going to add more information to the About PEIMAA section, so that you get to know who is actually on the board, and also how to contact us. The Media section is predominantly pictures of the the 2005 Awards show and Songwriters Circle. If any of you have anything that we could add to the photo section, (pertaining to us of course?.no funny stuff) we would love for you to send them to us to post. This page will also be developed over time with podcasts, video and the like. We want to remind you the members that this is YOUR website. We would love to hear how we could make it better for you, and more practical. Thanks for your patience?.and don?t forget to add this page as one of your Favorites?.and drag it up to the top of the list!