Voting Booth Now Open
The voting booth is now open!
If you are voting on public ballots only, please click on the Voting Link on the right-hand side of this page.
If you are a Music PEI member, use the link provided via e-mail. If you did not receive that link, please contact [email protected].
You are able to download a version of this ballot, fill it in and mail it to MUSIC PEI Ballot, c/o MRSB, PO Box 2679, Charlottetown PE C1A 8C3. This must be postmarked by October 27th to be eligible.
Always include your name or the ballot will be discarded.
The results will be announced November 10th at the K-Rock & Ocean presentation of Music PEI’s Annual Awards Show Gala at Confederation Centre of the Arts. Tickets are on sale now.