Music PEI Secures Provincial Funding
The Following is an exerpt from the Finance Minister Mitch Murphy’s budget address April 10-07
“Mr. Speaker, music and culture help define our Province. By celebrating our roots, we plant the seed for a stronger future.
For many years, PEI musicians have made a tremendous impact on regional, national and international stages. From the legendary songs of Gene MacLellan, to the iconic Canadian stories of Stompin’ Tom Connors, to the toe-tapping fiddle medleys of Don Messer, PEI’s musicians have led the way.
Our Government recognizes the positive contributions to our culture and economy by the members of the PEI music industry.
In this Budget, our Government will invest $130,000 in new program funding for the PEI music industry. We have long known our musicians and songwriters are as talented as any in the Country and we understand strategic investment is needed to ensure that they continue to succeed. With this investment, our Government will assist Island musicians with the production of their music and the marketing of their products in the Region, the Country and to the World.