Reason to become a Music PEI member
There are now more reasons than ever to become a member of Music PEI. If your membership has lapsed you may want to renew it as soon as possible or if you know anyone who should be a member, please pass it on. The more we grow, the more able we are to attract attention from potential funding partners.
Only Music PEI members are eligible for the funding programs. The next funding submission deadline is May 15th. There are 3 programs and they are Export Development, Emerging Music and Targeted Demo. For more details check the website
Participation in Music PEI showcase opportunities which include ECMA, Old Home Week and other industry showcase events requires a current Music PEI membership.
Membership is required for participation in professional development seminars. including export development training, performance coaching and other seminars put on by Music PEI.
Only current Music PEI members are eligible for the Music PEI awards.
Music PEI is now a member of the PEI Convention Partnership (PEICP) and Music PEI members now receive potential leads for requested entertainment from incoming conventions. As an individual artist or entertainer, the membership fee with the PEICP is $200. For your $25 individual or $50 group fee you automatically receive these leads for potential work.
As a member of Music PEI you are eligible to offer for the Board of Directors or vote for potential new directors at the AGM.
Our E-Newsletters keep you informed of industry events, showcases, funding programs and gig opportunities.
You can create an online profile on the Music PEI website and promote your performances on the Music PEI gig calendar which also notifies band members of upcoming gigs. People interested in hiring bands often visit our website for ideas of potential entertainment.
Coming soon- Some things we are currently working on are low group plan insurance rates and member discounts with local businesses. Our current paid membership has grown to 250 plus which is large enough to attract significant interest from businesses. We are also in the process of creating an industry database which will connect you to everyone involved in the music industry from players, to recording engineers to venues and retailers.
It is an exciting time to be a part of the vibrant and growing PEI music industry and membership with Music PEI puts you on the inside of current industry events and activities. If you have an expired profile with Music PEI you can log on and now renew on-line with Paypal or a credit card or you can create a new profile at Membership fees start at $15. Join now!
Music PEI would like to remind you that the 2008 Annual General Meeting is coming up very soon. It will take place on May 7th at Sobers School of Music on the second floor and beginning at 7:30 sharp. There are two vacant positions coming up for the board of directors. Bios for nominees will be sent out later this week.
Items on the agenda for the AGM are:
Review of 2007/08 financial statements
Review of Annual report
Election of Directors
We hope to see you there!