Canada?s Seashore Festival 2008 Song Writer?s Competition
Deadline Tuesday, July 01st, 2008
Canada?s Seashore Festival?s Registration fee is $15 for each song assessed in the preliminary by a panel judge. Your recorded submissions will be evaluated for performance, song structure, lyrics, and music.
The Seashore Festival will be accepting the top 20 submissions for ?Siren Songs?? Song Writer?s Competition 2008 where all 20 submissions will undergo a final assessment by a panel of professional musicians who are selected by the Seashore Festival.
♬ Please note *Top 20 selected will be required to pay an additional $35 to enter the Seashore Festival Song Writer?s Competition performance final.
In order to participate in the Song Writer?s Competition you must:
?have written your own lyrics and music
?submit song(s) on a CD or cassette including lyrics, typed or printed neatly and include your cheque or money-order for $15 per each song submitted (non-refundable)payable to the Cavendish Beaches and Dune Shores Tourism Association in the amount of $15 per song submitted by Tuesday, July 01st, 2008.
?If song(s) is selected for the finals, an additional fee payable to the Canada Seashore Festival in the amount of $35 is required (cheque or money-order). To be paid on the day of the event upon arrival. No song will be performed without the additional $35 fee being paid before hand.
?Provide your own accompaniment (Keyboard and sound system provided)
Siren Song Prizes
1st Prize
♪5 hours Recording Time at Guernsey Cove Parlour Productions
Guernsey Cove Parlour Productions has produced more than 85 new recordings by Island artists since 1992. The studio has produced several WINNERS and Nominees of Canada’s East Coast Music Awards (ECMA), as well as numerous PEI Music Awards. Guernsey Cove Parlour Productions has been nominated for Canada’s ECMA “Studio of the Year” five times.
♪Accompaniment by professional musician Dr. Jim Dickson
Choice of guitar, banjo or dulcimer
♪1yr Music PEI Membership for individual artist or Band
♪2 free tickets to the 2009 Music PEI Awards Show
♪Leather S.A.C. songwriting portfolio
♪S.A.C. 1 year free membership
♪S.A.C. T-Shirt
♪Seashell Pendent – Beautifully hand carved from shell with a sterling chain 18in to 20in in length (donated by Wildabout Wampum)
2nd Prize
♪ECMA Gift Certificate good for the 2009 ECMA?s ($250 value)
♪S.A.C T-Shirt
♪Seashell Pendent – Beautifully hand carved from shell with a sterling chain 18in to 20in in length (donated by Wildabout Wampum)
3rd Prize
♪CD Plus gift card ($100 value)
♪Kayaking for two Certificate ($35 value)
♪S.A.C T-Shirt
♪Seashell Pendent – Beautifully hand carved from shell with a sterling chain 18in to 20in in length (donated by Wildabout Wampum)
Winners of the night and Panel Judges will end the night with a toe tapping concert!
Winners agree to having publicity shots taken on behalf of the Seashore Festival and Sponsors.
Submission Form
Name of Song Writer:
Names of performers besides yourself:
Name of Song/s:
Winners agree to having publicity shots taken on behalf of the Seashore Festival and Sponsors.
Please check the style category/s of your song/s:
Easy Listening❑
Please make cheques and money orders out to:
Cavendish Beaches and the Dune Shores Tourism Association
and send along with your CD or cassette (Please be sure to include lyrics) to the below mailing address by or before Tuesday, July 01st, 2008.
Red High Heels Productions
214 Ferry Road
Lot 16, Miscouche PE
C0B 1T0