Islanders Nominated for East Coast Music Award
Sunday March 1st, the East Coast Music Awards will be handed out in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Among the nominees are several Music PEI members.
Congratulations to the following Music PEI members who are nominated for an East Coast Music Award. Good luck in Corner Brook.
Battery Point
Colette Cheverie
Grass Mountain Hobos
Kendra MacGillivray
Lazy Jacks
Meaghan Blanchard
Pat Deighan & The Orb Weavers
Tanya Davis
In addition to the nominees the following Music PEI members will be traveling to Corner Brook to participate in official and unofficial showcases as well as on the Music PEI Showcase Stage:
Colette Cheverie
Lazy Jacks
Grass Mountain Hobos
Kendra MacGillivray
Meaghan Blanchard
Nudie and the Turks
The Sidewalks
John Connolly
Tim Chaisson & Morning Fold
Battery Point
Pat Deighan and the Orb Weavers
Smothered in Hugs
Nudie, Dennis Ellsworth and Tim Chaisson will also be performing solo at the Songs & Writers Showcase.