Upcoming Deadline For Music PEI Funding Programs
The deadline for the upcoming round of funding is Wednesday, October 7th at 5:00pm. Please note that there will be no Export Ready or Exporting Artist grants available for the upcoming round. For information regarding funding programs administered by Music PEI and eligibility, please contact Devin Casario at [email protected] or call 894-6734. Devin is available by appointment to go over program criteria and applications. Music PEI will be hosting a grant-writing workshop on Saturday September 12th. Information as follows:
Music PEI Holds Funding Program Workshop
Music PEI will hold a Funding Program Workshop Saturday September 12th at 11:00 am in the Music PEI office. The workshop will cover all of the funding programs currently available to Music PEI members and give a broad overview of what each program is intended for. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. It is strongly recommended for members intending to apply for funding that you attend the workshop or schedule a one on one meeting prior to completing and submitting your funding application. There have been some changes to the programs for this round.
The workshop will run from 11:00 pm until 1:00pm. To register for the workshop please call 894-6734 or email [email protected].