Tips & Tricks for Submitting to Metro Credit Union Music PEI Week 2012
Thanks to our friends at Marcato Festival all submissions will be completed online this year saving you time and money. Be sure to check out the submission guidelines before you start your submission. Preparation is key.
Here are a few tips and tricks you should know before you begin.
Uploading Your Album
There are three options for you.
1) Upload an external download link – this can be a link to a .zip file, link to SonicBids page, link to another online EPK etc. It is IMPORTANT to note that if you are providing a link with this method that link must include your entire album that you are submitting and it also cannot include tracks that are not on that album. Please ensure this link will be publically available up to and including November 30, 2011.
2) SoundCloud – an online audio distribution platform which allows musicians to collaborate, promote and distribute your music.
3) Bandcamp – a service that allows musicians to sell and distribute music for free online and is also a website publishing tool.
SoundCloud and Bandcamp accounts allow the most reliable methond for tracks to be reviewed by the jury. If you chose to use the other option please ensure that the link you provide is live, up to date and accessible at least until the end of November. Both SoundCloud and Bandcamp have free options. If these sites are new to you, they are definitely something to look into for storing and sharing your work.
Music PEI is not directly endorsing sites such as SoundCloud and Bandcamp, but is just making them an option for artists who already have accounts with these sites or are planning to open an account.
Showcase Submissions
You’re not technically challenged or “losing it”. The showcase submission page is not visible when you start the submission process, but it will be! After you have completed your awards submission, you will then be prompted to the showcase submission page.
Items to Have Ready Before You Start Your Application
We will be asking for the following items in order for you to complete your application:
Album Cover
Song Lyrics (if applicable)
Supporting information (if applicable – see award criteria)
Stage Plot (for showcases)
While your session will not timeout within Marcato; there is currently not a save option. To save time, you can compile the above documents prior to starting your submission.
Best of luck! If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact Stephen MacDougall, Event Coordinator, at [email protected].
Full details on the submission process can be found HERE.