Showcase Opportunity – Export Mission to UK
The Event
Each Atlantic Canadian Music Industry Association (MIA) will be bringing two artists from their membership to showcase at the premier roots music conference Association of Festival Organisers (AFO) in Nottingham, UK from November 15 to the 18th, 2012. Over 100 festivals from across the UK attend the three day AFO conference. Each artist will have a 20 minute showcase performance in an effort to gain bookings at UK festivals attending the event. In addition, other music industry professionals such as agents, managers, promoters and venue programmers attend and represent many business opportunities to build careers for the artists.
A second showcase opportunity will take place directly following the AFO conference. the ACMIA’s have arranged for a one day showcase in London Monday, November 19th. This showcase will focus on London based venues and music industry professionals.
Who can apply
Members of one of the Atlantic Canadian Music Industry Associations
Exporting and Export Ready artists
Previous touring experience in the UK is an asset
Having representatives (Management, Booking, Distribution, Licensing etc) in the UK and Europe is an asset.
The ACMIA export mission will cover the costs for the showcasing venue, production and delegate promotion. Artists honorariums will be decided by each respective Atlantic MIA. All travel expenses, meals and accommodations are the responsibility of the selected artists. Contact your provincial MIA for info regarding funding opportunities.
For more information on AFO please visit
Deadline: September 21, 2012