Music PEI Heads to ECMW
The 27th annual East Coast Music Week (ECMW) is upon us, creating much anticipation from artists, ticket-holders, and communities alike. Taking place this year in St. John’s, Newfoundland, ECMW 2015 has provided many showcasing opportunities for Music PEI’s local artists as well as award nominations to merit their musicianship. Following trend, Music PEI has developed two showcases of their own. These showcases will feature popular Island musicians with whose intent is to celebrate and to share their passion for music developed years ago upon red soil.
The first Music PEI showcase begins Friday, April 10th, 2015. Performers include Dylan Menzie, Ashley Condon, Dennis Ellsworth, as well as Irish Mythen and Catherine MacLellan, both of which are ECMW 2015 nominees.
The second Music PEI showcase begins Saturday, April 11th, 2015. Performers include crowd favorites Vishtèn and Gordie MacKeeman and His Rhythm Boys. Among this showcase are two ECMW 2015 World Recording of the Year nominees, Ten Strings and a Goat Skin and The Count and the Cuban Cocktail.
Throughout the festival, several Island artists will be joining the stage amongst their maritime counterparts showing the genuine passion of east coast music. If successful, the Music PEI family may certainly solidify its mark and Island footprint upon “new found land”.
For a full list of ECMW 2015 nominees – Click HERE
For the festival schedule – Click HERE