Music PEI Week 2016 – Looking for Feedback
Planning is underway for Music PEI Week 2016 and we want Music PEI members, past and current as well as members of the music community at large to have input into how it looks.
In 2015 we introduced a new brand and events, The Credit Union May Run Music Festival and the Bell Aliant Canadian Song Conference. Both events had successes and some challenges, but Music PEI was able to report a small surplus and create a good number of new business opportunities for our members.
The Canadian Song Conference brought music industry professionals from across Canada, the US and even Australia to help us create workshops, panels and showcases. The conference also included the Canadian Songwriter Challenge paring Music PEI songwriters with songwriters from across Canada.
The May Run Music Festival presented 70 artists, 50 from PEI and 20 from across Canada, in 16 venues in Charlottetown, Hunter River and Summerside. The event culminated with a closing concert at the Delta Convention Centre. Twenty-eight Music PEI Awards were given out at various concerts and showcases throughout the festival.
If you could take some time to give us your thoughts and suggestions it will be of great importance to us so that we can try to make this the best event possible and let the planning committee and Music PEI Board of Directors know what direction you would like to see this event take.
Click HERE to complete survey.
A draw will be held when the survey closes October 27. The winner will receive a free one-year Music PEI membership and a free all-access pass to Music PEI Week 2016. Leaving your email address is optional. Feedback will be kept in confidence.