Songwriters Wanted!
United By Song- A Call For Submissions
Music PEI and the United Way of PEI have partnered to present a special evening September 23rd of songs and stories about lives changed because of the generosity of Islanders.
Four people impacted by the work of UWPEI will be selected to share their story with four Island artists as inspiration for a song and both will be shared on the 23rd. The evening will celebrate community through storytelling with the individual impacted sharing their story with the audience and the artist sharing their song through performance.
The call for submissions is open to all Island artists of all genres. The four selected artists are chosen by a committee and will be partnered with an individual who will impart their story. The artist will then be responsible to create a new song about their partner’s story and perform it at Florence Simmons Theatre with full production being provided at a ticketed event.
The honorarium for writing and performing is $500 per artist. The song will remain the property of the artist but the UWPEI will retain and be granted use for promotional and fundraising purposes.
This is a unique opportunity and experience to tell someone’s story who has lived through challenging times and been helped by the United Way and the wonderful work they do.
Deadline to submit is Friday, July 13th. Please follow the link to submit for consideration.
For more information please contact:
Steve Love
Program Officer
[email protected]