Music PEI AGM and New Board
Immediate Release
July 30th, 2018
Music PEI Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Announcement
Music PEI held their AGM July 25th and introduced some new board members while saying goodbye and thank you to others.
The AGM took place in the Music PEI/Guild Boardroom at 6:30pm. The new and returning Directors were introduced by President Jennifer Campbell.
We are happy to welcome the new Board Members who have offered to join the Music PEI Board this year, Gretha Rose, Liam Corcoran and Brett Sanderson. They bring with them diverse skill sets and some great experience.
Returning for a second term is Catherine MacLellan. Returning to complete their terms are Luke Pound, Alanna Jankov, Alex Douglas, Jessica Smith, Jordan Cameron and Emilee Sorrey. Tanya Gallant was reappointed as the Francophone Rep and Jennifer Campbell moves from the role as President to Past President.
The Executive includes Emilee Sorrey stepping into the role as President from VP and Jessica continuing as Treasurer. Still to be appointed by the Board at the next Board meeting are the Secretary and Vice President. The Music PEI Board in a governance board and meets once a month.
Music PEI would like to thank outgoing Board members Darcy Campbell, Craig Dodge and Rachel Beck for their contributions and hard work!
Music PEI had a successful year with new and returning initiatives. We would like to thank our primary funders The Province of PEI, FACTOR and ACOA for their ongoing support.
The Executive Director’s Activity Report for 2017-18 can be found at