Music PEI re-brands New Business Growth Program to Takin Care of Business
In 2016 Music PEI launched the New Business Growth Program focused on helping artists to improve business practises and create new revenue opportunities. For 2018-19 the program is being re-branded as Takin Care of Business Program.
The program retains many of the same components and goals but the Eligibility Criteria has been expanded to include Emerging Artists. John MacPhee (Paper Lions) has once again been hired to deliver the program.
This intensive program delivers a host of benefits to the participants including:
• Creating an online Portal containing all the meta data and info from all recordings simplifying the licensing and PRO registering process
• Registering with all PRO’s. There’s more than just SOCAN!
• Reviewing and advising on financial management
• Business registration and band agreements
• Developing FACTOR profile
• Writing grants
• Social media management
The results from the last round were excellent with participants including Catherine MacLellan, The Royal North and Meaghan Blanchard.
• Catherine MacLellan- “It definitely exceeded my expectations. I learned so much in such a short time. John is such a great teacher, resource, ally. Realizing much of what seemed like a mystery to me, was quite within my abilities, I just needed the knowledge that John was able to provide. I’ve been able to increase my revenue through several of the programs he signed me up for, as well as by becoming a more self-assured and capable self-managed artist.”
• The Royal North- “John did a great job introducing us to new services and programs that we were previously unaware of or using. He was able to explain it in a way that made sense and leave us understanding how these services work. This will allow us to capitalize and utilize these programs moving forward in our career. This program would benefit artists if for nothing else then education on the services available to help increase revenue.”
• Meaghan Blanchard- “Having all of your on call information (the artist portal) in one area is very helpful. I immediately increased my SOCAN revenue”
• Ten Strings And A Goat Skin- “The Program gave us new tools for us to use moving forward. We continue to use the artist portal created for us on an almost daily basis. Not to mention all the training was hands on and easy to put directly into practice. We anticipate increased revenues by unlocking royalties from streaming companies and US satellite radio stations from use of our works.”
Music PEI will once again have four spots in this program. Total cost of the program is $3,000 per participant but with great support from the Province of Prince Edward Island (Innovation PEI) and ACOA, Music PEI is able to offset the cost. Each participant contribution is only $450.
Submissions to the program will be open until November 23rd. Submission forms can be found at
For more information contact:
Steve Love
Program Officer
[email protected]