Music PEI is happy to announce the changes to the Music PEI funding programs!
Music PEI will relaunch our “spring” Investment Program for 2020 with an adjustment due to COVID-19. We have redirected half of our normal funds to a new Capital Purchase program. Each of our investment categories’ pools of funding has been cut in half, dropping the total number of Emerging Grants from 6 to 3, the number of Exporting grants from 6 to 3, the number of Career Investment grants from 2 to 1. We will maintain our 1 $1,500 grant for our music industry professionals. The new program was designed to assist artists who have had to adapt from touring and recording at studios to playing live-streams and recording from their own homes. Music PEI Investment Applications can be found here:
The application deadline is July 10th.
The new program, Music PEI’s Capital Purchase Program, has been created with help from the government of Prince Edward Island’s Department of Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture and Innovation PEI. Its main goal will be to help musicians adapt to the online environment with funding available in two separate pools for Emerging and Exporting/Export Ready artists/bands. There will be one round of funding, with 10 Emerging artists awarded $750 each and 10 Export Ready/Exporting artists awarded at $2250. This money will go towards purchases that have taken place over the last few months, to help with transitioning to the digital workspace. This is designed as a one-time-only grant. Music PEI Capital Purchase Program Applications can be found here:
Emerging –
Exporting –
Music PEI Capital Purchase Program Deadline is July 10th.
Lastly, is Music PEI’s Microgrant Program. The intention is to fund smaller projects which will help emerging artists and underserved communities and provide a jumping-off point as a way to get your foot in the door of the industry with a small scale project. The application form is very simple, most projects will be considered with very few restrictions. The program will have a rolling deadline with projects submitted being judged on a case-by-case basis. If you have a project you’re looking to fund, and you haven’t been involved with Music PEI before, please get in touch.
Music PEI’s Microgrant Program Applications can be found here:
The Microgrant Program has a Rolling Deadline, artists will be contacted as their applications are received.