Music PEI Annual General Meeting & Open Board Positions
The Music PEI Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on July 20th at 7:00pm AST. The meeting will be hosted on Zoom and will include the presentation of the Year End Statement for the fiscal year 2020/21, announcement of the new Directors and a report on the previous year’s activities from the Executive Director.
If you wish to put your name forward to stand for election to the Board, please submit using this form by June 30th. Voting by current paid members will commence July 5th and close July 16th.
Important Dates:
AGM: July 20th
Deadline for Submissions to join Board of Directors: June 30th
Voting for new Directors: July 5th – 16th
A Zoom link will be sent out closer to the day of the AGM. Any questions email [email protected].