Become a Member

Music PEI is a non-profit member services organization devoted to advancing the careers of Island musicians and music industry professionals. By raising its profile and expanding its membership, Music PEI is actively seeking ways to promote, foster, and develop artists on PEI.

Membership Options

Become a member of Music PEI by selecting a membership type and completing the application form. Upon submitting your form, you’ll be given the option to pay your annual membership fee securely online using PayPal or a credit card.

Prices do not include 15% HST.

Select Membership Type

Number of Band Members
Account Details
This information is required for account creation and management. It is not displayed publicly on the website.
First Name
Please enter your first name.
Please enter valid data.
This first name is invalid. Please enter a valid first name.
Last Name
Please enter your last name.
Please enter valid data.
This last name is invalid. Please enter a valid last name.
Text field can not be left blank.
Please enter valid data.
Please create a username.
Please enter valid data.
Please enter at least 8 characters.
Maximum 30 characters allowed.
This username is already registered, please choose another one.
This username is invalid. Please enter a valid username.
Between 8 and 30 characters (Bands/businesses should base it on their name, not an individual)
Account Email Address
Please enter your email address.
Please enter valid email address.
Please enter valid email address.
This email is already registered, please choose another one.
Confirm Account Email Address
Please confirm your email address.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please create a password.
Please enter valid data.
Please enter at least 8 characters.
Please use atleast one lowercase character.
Please use atleast one uppercase character.
Please use atleast one numeric character.
Please use atleast one special character.
Min. 8 characters (include upper and lowercase, number and special character)
    Strength: Very Weak
    Confirm Password
    Please confirm your password.
    Passwords don't match.
    Passwords don't match.
    I would like to subscribe to the Music PEI Newsletter
    Yes, pleaseNo, thanks
    Please select one option.
    Please enter valid data.
    Student ID
    Please enter your student ID.
    Please enter valid data.
    Please provide your school/institution name and your grade/year/level (needed to verify eligibility for discount code below).
    Profile Information
    These basic profile details will be publicly viewable in the Membership Directory and on Profile pages. Additional details can be supplied after registration.
    Display Name
    Please enter a display name
    Please enter valid data.
    Can be your name, performer/band name, business name, etc.
    Biography cannot be left blank.
    Please enter valid data.
    Maximum 1000 characters allowed.
    Please provide a bio (max. 1000 characters).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Music Link
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Other Link
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Cannot be left blank.
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Invalid URL (don't forget http:// or https://).
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    How would you like to pay your annual fee?
    Enter Student Discount Code
    Please enter the coupon code.
    Coupon code is not valid.
    Coupon code is not valid for the selected plan.
    Coupon code has expired.

    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan:

    ( )
    (Discount: ) + HST
