Music PEI Announces New Business Growth Program
With the support of ACOA and Innovation PEI, Music PEI is extremely happy to announce the New Business Growth Program. This exciting new program has been designed to assist Music PEI members to further develop their careers with particular focus on the ability to create multiple revenue streams, improve business management skills and increase business opportunities.
Music PEI has hired MacPhee Artist Services as a contractor to deliver the program. Owner John MacPhee has had over a decade of experience as an internationally touring artist as a member of Paper Lions in hands on capacity involved in all aspects of his band’s career. John brings a wealth of knowledge and sound business skills to the program.
The cost of the program for each participant is $3,000 with 80% being subsidised by ACOA and Innovation PEI. The participants are required to contribute 20% ($600) and must be able to complete the program within a maximum of six months. The immediate return from royalties alone should quickly cover the artist’s investment.
Artists must meet the Exporting or Export Ready criteria as set by Music PEI. Adjudication scoring is also detailed for those applying. Applicants must be current Music PEI members and residents of PEI.
For complete details, documents and forms, visit the New Business Growth Program page.